Our cupping therapy is an ideal treatment for tension, knots, and scar tissue as well as issues concerning circulation. Our experienced team at Country Hills Physiotherapy uses this traditional Chinese medicine technique to stimulate natural healing and the flushing of toxins out of your body. It’s very effective at easing tension and providing pain relief in a wide array of conditions.
Cupping therapy is a unique form of massage using specialized suction cups that facilitate the use of negative pressure. Instead of applying pressure to the problem area to release the tension, breaking up and forcing out toxins, it draws them closer to the surface where your lymphatic system can more readily deal with them.
It provides many of the same benefits as massage therapy (deep tissue massage, hot stone massage, prenatal massage, therapeutic massage, Swedish massage, relaxation massage, sports massage, etc.). This form of therapy is particularly useful for dealing with issues that lie deep in the tissues as well as for myofascial release / myofascial cupping which targets the tissues connecting muscles, nerves, blood vessels and blood flow together.
Health Conditions Commonly Treated with Cupping Therapy
With benefits like increased blood circulation, pain relief, and detoxification for any part of the body, it can be used in the treatment of most musculoskeletal problems. Here’s a list of just some of the symptoms and conditions people have when we book them for cupping therapy sessions at Country Hills Physiotherapy Calgary NW:
- Pain/ chronic pain anywhere in the body
- Healing power from an array of injuries
- Sore muscles/ stiffness/ limited range of motion
- Severe muscle tension
- Trigger points/ Muscle knots
- IT band syndrome
- Carpal tunnel
- Arthritis
- Fibromyalgia
- Plantar fasciitis
- Tendonitis
- Migraines/headaches
- Trigger Points (“knots”)
- Poor circulation/ decreased circulation after injury
- High blood pressure
- Dupuytren’s contracture of the hand (also known as palmar fibromatosis)
- Conditions causing sleep disturbance
- Shoulder pain
- Sports injuries
- Neck pain
- Tight muscles
Healing Benefits of Cupping Physiotherapy
Surgery and prescription medications can be risky, expensive, and often ineffective leaving you out of commission during a recovery period. Cupping therapy is a very safe and highly effective alternative in facilitating your body’s natural healing mechanisms.
Cupping therapy is also highly recommended by athletes who need to keep their bodies performing at their highest ability. It has the incredible effect of creating a nutrient-rich blood supply which is excellent for total-body healing and wellness.
What to Expect at Your First Visit
During your initial appointment, you’ll be asked a series of questions. We’ll gather a medical history, perform a physical assessment, and also discuss your goals for treatment to determine if cupping therapy is right for you. We’ll answer any questions you may have as well as addressing any concerns regarding the treatment plan.
We’ll make sure you’re relaxed and ready prior to applying the cups. Usually, we start by getting the blood flowing with a light massage to the area being treated.
There are different therapeutic techniques used for applying the cups. Your therapist will determine which way will work best for you. Once the plastic or silicone cups are suctioned to the skin they may either be left stationary or glided on the skin.
The cups can be applied at various pressure levels. Often, joint mobilization is combined with cupping therapy to maximize your benefit. A cupping session usually lasts between 30 minutes and 1 hour and ends with the removal of the cups followed by your therapist manually flushing toxins that have been pulled to the surface (similar to a massage).